
it’s been a while since i last wrote.
my best intentions are nothing without follow through, but i am back! i am ready.
or, at least, I hope.

we are back on the road full time again. technically, we were in december, but that was such a wonky month due to the holidays and so much travel. now, however, we are getting into our flow again, this time with Pax in tow.
what a wild concept.

i decided to keep family updates separate, as i’d like to keep this space for me and my brain dumps, so if you’re interested in our excitements, you’ll find that over on the Kaos Kingdom tab :)

in other news, here are a few things swirling about my life:

  • '“oysters in my pocket” - royel otis

    • i am obsessed and will not stop playing this. i joyfully refuse.

  • kelly yager’s newest 30 minute burn guide

    • i’ve done several of her guides, but the 30 minute burn ones are my favorite. feeling great getting back into the groove with purposed movement

  • craft donuts

    • there’s a place in the plaza near our hotel and we’ve gotten to implement friday donut dayz again (i haven’t done this since good ol sugar shack in cocoa village before they closed). we walk over and bring our kindles + journals and hang out with prime donuts and coffee. it’s bliss

  • toast with butter and jam

    • enough said.

  • how crocheting + knitting is all of a sudden the hobby of the year

    • lol. i’ve been doing this since i was 8. bout damn time you all caught on with it.

  • dungeon crawler carl book vii: the inevitable ruin - matt dinniman

    • probably the most important item on this list. i have unexpectedly inhaled this series and i am left like a crazed vagrant with no clue where to go after this. i cannot stress enough how much this series has toppled my mental stability. there have been books that have irrevocably changed my life quite literally, and this series has joined the list.
      ha. who’d have thought a freakin dungeon crawl would do that to me? not i, good friends.
      not i.

alright, here’s some food pics because since being back on the road, i’ve been getting back in the groove with actually making meals i have fun making. these have all been knockouts.

sausage, kale, + tortellini soup with the accoutrements

bangin blts, baybeeeee

burritos with a cheese crust, rice + beans, + super fresh guac

and just for funsies, here’s a snow pic featuring speedway.
we are blissed out with this surprise snow (we are just outside of charleston - this is not normal!). we had a little family walk this morning to check it out properly. s(n)o(w) fun.

i do plan on actually updating this more often - at least once a week - so i’ll holla at ya lataaaaaa

k, bye.


30 . september . 2024