it’s been a while since i last wrote.
my best intentions are nothing without follow through, but i am back! i am ready.
or, at least, I hope.
we are back on the road full time again. technically, we were in december, but that was such a wonky month due to the holidays and so much travel. now, however, we are getting into our flow again, this time with Pax in tow.
what a wild concept.
i decided to keep family updates separate, as i’d like to keep this space for me and my brain dumps, so if you’re interested in our excitements, you’ll find that over on the Kaos Kingdom tab :)
in other news, here are a few things swirling about my life:
'“oysters in my pocket” - royel otis
i am obsessed and will not stop playing this. i joyfully refuse.
kelly yager’s newest 30 minute burn guide
i’ve done several of her guides, but the 30 minute burn ones are my favorite. feeling great getting back into the groove with purposed movement
craft donuts
there’s a place in the plaza near our hotel and we’ve gotten to implement friday donut dayz again (i haven’t done this since good ol sugar shack in cocoa village before they closed). we walk over and bring our kindles + journals and hang out with prime donuts and coffee. it’s bliss
toast with butter and jam
enough said.
how crocheting + knitting is all of a sudden the hobby of the year
lol. i’ve been doing this since i was 8. bout damn time you all caught on with it.
dungeon crawler carl book vii: the inevitable ruin - matt dinniman
probably the most important item on this list. i have unexpectedly inhaled this series and i am left like a crazed vagrant with no clue where to go after this. i cannot stress enough how much this series has toppled my mental stability. there have been books that have irrevocably changed my life quite literally, and this series has joined the list.
ha. who’d have thought a freakin dungeon crawl would do that to me? not i, good friends.
not i.
alright, here’s some food pics because since being back on the road, i’ve been getting back in the groove with actually making meals i have fun making. these have all been knockouts.
sausage, kale, + tortellini soup with the accoutrements
bangin blts, baybeeeee
burritos with a cheese crust, rice + beans, + super fresh guac
and just for funsies, here’s a snow pic featuring speedway.
we are blissed out with this surprise snow (we are just outside of charleston - this is not normal!). we had a little family walk this morning to check it out properly. s(n)o(w) fun.
i do plan on actually updating this more often - at least once a week - so i’ll holla at ya lataaaaaa
k, bye.
30 . september . 2024
i’ve been holding off on restarting a blog/website for a good bit now. i even wrote two posts in june with the slight intention to possible resurface my writings for the few that actually still read blogs.
i held off because i didn’t want to overcommit and jump into something that i couldn (wouldn’t) stick to. but then i deleted instagram and everything changed for the better.
i feel like i have way more time now, far less anger in my veins, and a better grasp on the relationships that matter (and the ones that are reciprocated). it provided boundless clarity on several different areas of life, but the biggest one being communication and what it actually takes to have a relationship.
i have a lot to say on the pitfalls of instagram, but i will save that for actual face-to-face conversations instead of here on the internet. however, i will say that i have written more letters, had more meaningful conversations with more people (though still very few people - i think this is good and the point of adulthood), and started and finished several projects in the past few months.
i am certain that a lot of this has to do with the fact that I am also pregnant and my scope has narrowed, as it should, and i more determined to stop waiting around for things to fall into place and instead order them around myself. i am surprised, though, with how much i have gotten done. it’s pretty impressive (to me and joshua at least, ha) because i had procrastination-itis for just about ever, and apparently impending parenthood kicks that to the curb pretty effectively.
anyway, with all that being said, i have made more space and time for myself during this chapter of preparation, which has since allowed me to prepare to continue to make space and time even when most of my time and energy will go to sustaining a new life. just because i’m having a baby doesn’t mean that i stop being me and the things important to me stop being important. i think it’ll be good to have a place for me to document this whole new chapter of life anyway. i do want to try out new formats and really just give myself more freedom from form and making sense, so we’ll see what this space becomes. either way, i’m excited.
i’ll sign off for now, as i have things i’m excited to do before babe comes, and thankfully also prepare for babe’s arrival.
til then -
xx hannah
28 . june . 2024
i’m out in cali right now after spending the weekend in atlanta and before joshua and i head to boise for a week. it’s bliss and perfection and just proof we belong on the road. i used to feel bad about not living near family, but now i’m ok with it because this is what makes us happiest, and we can also go back and see our people (+ vice versa).
this has been a good time to me to unplug and go at my own pace, while also getting to see my people. i’ve been pretty busy during this stretch, but i’ve got a down day today as joshua is off to work for the rest of today/tonight so i will be catching up on housekeeping stuff and taking it easy for the most part. being on the road is always interesting because we don’t get to choose what we’re near, we just have to make the most of our new location. i currently don’t have a car because i’m just visiting right now, so i’m limited to joshua driving me around in the production vehicles, or where i’m able to walk to. it’s not so bad because it limits spending money on frivolous things and going somewhere just to go somewhere. it almost forces simplicity, which i have zero complaints about, especially these days.
i’m currently doing laundry, as we are packing up this weekend to fly to boise at the top of next week, so i’m wanting to get a head start on things while joshua is working. i’ve been pretty drained and trying to catch up on my energy levels, so today is a prime day to read by the pool because i can and because it’s there. how freaking nice.
this whole bit seems a bit rambly, but then again that’s kind of the point of this for me. i just want it to be a place where i can dump my thoughts and maybe find some community by sharing all these rambly musings.
anywhoooo, i’m going to continue on with my day and maybe share some photos at some point.
until next time -
xx hannah
17 . june . 24
I’d like to get back to writing.
It’s been a while since I dedicated time in my own space in the greater world. Actually, it’s been a while since I dedicated time in my own space in my own tiny world. Until recently, anyway.
Over the past couple of months, I have been writing a lot more in my journal. Filling pages with thoughts and doodles, occasionally a picture or two. Most certainly the regular list. I’ve been finding my freedom on the blank canvas again and it has been such a relief. It started back up because I needed solace in the quiet and uncluttered when things felt very busy and loud. It kept going because it’s something that honors my pace and thought patterns, molding around me as I curate the story and paint the picture unfolding. I finished this past journal in 5 months, which I also started days before I found out I was pregnant, so it holds a whole new story than any I’ve ever encountered before. It’s also the fastest I’ve finished a journal in who knows how long.
I’ve always been a big supporter of journaling, and documenting in general, but to have been able to pick it back up in this new and unfamiliar chapter of life is something I’m so grateful for. I don’t want to forget the moments in between the mountaintop events, because it’s the details that matter.
So, I’d like to get back to writing.
There are things I like to keep to myself, and that is what my personal journals are for, but there are also things I want to share, and that is what this space is for. Perhaps, through my sharing, we can build a community worth being a part of.
Here’s to documenting more + remembering the moments that matter.
xx Hannah