
Happy VDay, party pals!

We’ve been wanting to get something going to keep our family + friends a little more updated with things, especially now that we are back on the road, and what better way than to blog it.
It’s kind of funny taking up this space on the internet after both Joshua and I ditched social media last year. This feels more like snail mail (cause it’ll certainly take time to get back to you on here) but with a wider reach and less inundation of unnecessary influence.
It’s been nice to step away from all of the noise and start making some for ourselves. Since Pax joined, we’ve been way more cognizant of our own actions and habits and how they’ll eventually impact him. Needless to say, he’s been the best reason to stop doing stuff we don’t wanna do and start doing the stuff we’ve been holding back on.

Anyway, keeping this first family post short and sweet like February herself.

Until next time!

Stay curious

